The Junior Leadership Development Academy (JLDA) is designed to assist a boy in his leadership journey. It consists of several events that are held annually that will give boys fun-filled, intentional leadership training, along with powerful spiritual development opportunities. This training experience is designed to be a catalyst and springboard of spiritual encouragement.
Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) is a special program of Royal Rangers that provides men and boys with additional opportunities to develop specialized outdoor skills based on the lore and traditions of the early American frontiersmen. FCF members participate in special events where frontier skills are demonstrated and practiced. Competitions are commonly held that promote the development of these skills and reflect the excitement, color, and flair of frontier America. Members of Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship are challenged to demonstrate the attributes exemplified by the early frontiersmen as they seek to further the objectives of the Royal Rangers ministry.
Through Master's Toolbox, Royal Rangers has provided support to drill water wells in Africa, to install electric generators in remote church locations, to launch Royal Rangers outposts around the world, and much more. Every two years we select a project to emphasize for our Master's Toolbox giving.
The Royal Rangers program provides leader training to mobilize, inspire, and resource leaders to achieve their greatest success and effectiveness. Royal Rangers training is based on three core values: Spiritual Development. All classroom and event-based leadership training will have a spiritual emphasis. Ranger Skills Development. Training will focus on the seven methods Royal Rangers use to minister to boys. Ranger skills are a key component of this success. Leadership Development. Leadership development will be key as Royal Rangers moves to become a boy led, adult facilitated ministry. It takes a leader to mentor new leaders. Training will help Royal Rangers strengthen its leadership core.