Royal Rangers has many opportunities to learn and grow as they do fun things with their friends, develop new skills, practice leadership and teamwork, and grow into the young man God created them to be.
It’s time for a New Adventure!

The Royal Rangers is based on the needs, interests, and characteristics of boys. The process for learning and growing through participation in fun activities, both with your age group indoors and outdoors. Designed to provide opportunities for adventure an fun. Making new friends, learn new skills, develop leadership, teamwork, and grow into their purpose in life.

ultimate journey for boys k-12th grade

Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. We provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.



Building healthy, Christ-centered relationships among men and boys


Bringing men and boys together around a variety of activities that provide something for every boy


Inviting boys to connect and belong to a community of Christlike men


Providing every boy with a pathway for growth and recognition


Growing boys into Christlike manhood through a systematic, guy-specific discipleship process


Developing servant leadership and personal growth within a small group environment


Engaging boys in service to God, their family, church, and community

Age Groups
K-2nd Grade
3rd-5th Grade
6th-8th Grade
9th-12th Grade
Advancement Trail

The Advancement Trail is based on the needs, interests, and characteristics of each age group. The trail represents a process of learning and growing through participation. It is designed to provide every boy with opportunities for adventure and fun.


The Junior Leadership Development Academy (JLDA) is designed to assist a boy in his leadership journey. It consists of several events that are held annually that will give boys fun-filled, intentional leadership training, along with powerful spiritual development opportunities. This training experience is designed to be a catalyst and springboard of spiritual encouragement.

Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship

Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) is a special program of Royal Rangers that provides men and boys with additional opportunities to develop specialized outdoor skills based on the lore and traditions of the early American frontiersmen. FCF members participate in special events where frontier skills are demonstrated and practiced. Competitions are commonly held that promote the development of these skills and reflect the excitement, color, and flair of frontier America.


What our members say
about Royal Rangers?

Outpost #193

Asamblea Nuevo Comienzo
2112 S. Atlantic Blvd. 
Commerce, CA 90040

Contact:  Robert B.
Phone: 323-314-7819

Join us every Friday at 7:00 pm

  1. Outdoor Adventure
  2. Competitions
  3. Sports Activities
  4. Real-Life Skills
  5. Life-Changing Accomplishments

Royal Rangers provides boys with opportunities to “live the adventure” of the Christ-centered life through a variety of fun activities that build character, develop leadership skills, and help him grow into the man he was created to be.