Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) is a special program of Royal Rangers that provides men and boys with additional opportunities to develop specialized outdoor skills based on the lore and traditions of the early American frontiersmen.
The early American frontiersmen exemplified the spirit of adventure and courage. They climbed mountain trails and made their way through a snow-filled mountain pass with great anticipation for what they might find on the other side. These rugged individuals were willing to risk much to blaze a new trail into the unknown wilderness so others would eventually follow.
Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF) is a special program of Royal Rangers that provides men and boys with additional opportunities to develop specialized outdoor skills based on the lore and traditions of the early American frontiersmen. FCF members participate in special events where frontier skills are demonstrated and practiced. Competitions are commonly held that promote the development of these skills and reflect the excitement, color, and flair of frontier America.
Members of Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship are challenged to demonstrate the attributes exemplified by the early frontiersmen as they seek to further the objectives of the Royal Rangers ministry.
The threefold purpose of FCF is to:
1. Inspire brotherhood among our members
2. Promote personal development through advancement and training
3. Provide valuable service to Royal Rangers and beyond
Additional details on the purpose of FCF can be found in the FCF Handbook (item #020540).
"I share with you the warmth and glow of this campfire. These crimson flames are a symbol of our fellowship and adventures in camping. I promise to share with you the warmth of Christian friendship and with others the light of my Christian testimony. I promise to keep alive the spirit of FCF in my personal life and to observe at all times the principles of Royal Rangers."
"To Give and to Serve" (In Latin: "Ad Dare Servire")
The blazing campfire is the official symbol of FCF, demonstrated through the warmth of Christian love, the light of personal witness, and the usefulness of dedicated service. The FCF symbol includes five logs which represent the five elements that are essential to keeping alive the spirit of FCF.
FCF membership is open to all Royal Rangers men and boys who meet the requirements as stated below. FCF features three levels of membership. All members bear the title of “Frontiersman”. Those who take on the challenge of further developing their frontier knowledge and skills may complete additional requirements to attain the status of “Buckskin Frontiersman.” Those who demonstrate the highest level of skill may become “Wilderness Frontiersman”.
Every FCF member is encouraged to:
In order to become a member of FCF and attain “Frontiersman” status individuals must satisfy the following requirements.
Complete one of the following?
Complete one of the following
Brigade is a service aspect of FCF that promotes the active and ongoing involvement of FCF members in service to their outpost, church, community and world.
To participate in the Trappers Brigade program an FCF member must meet the following qualifications:
These Silver Merits are part of the Arrowhead merit series developed by the Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship (FCF). Although Arrowhead merits are intended to provide FCF members with specialized training on advanced frontier skills, any Royal Rangers boy may earn an Arrowhead merit and any Royal Rangers leader may teach an Arrowhead merit regardless of FCF membership status. As with any merit, the boy’s group leader approves the completion of all Arrowhead merits.
Boys seeking to earn this skill merit or adult leaders seeking to earn the related Arrowhead award must accumulate a minimum of 15 points from any combination of the following requirements. For information on Arrowhead merits and Arrowhead awards, refer to the Frontiersmen Camping Fellowship Handbook (2014 edition).