About Us

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Developing the Total Boy for Christ.

Royal Rangers is an activity-based, small-group church ministry for boys and young men in grades K-12 with a mission to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders.

  • Manhood is an Adventure
  • Builds Character
  • FInds Purpose in Life

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SPD Royal Rangers Friendship 1

What is Royal Rangers?

The Royal Rangers program is an activity-based, small group church ministry for mentoring future men, grades K-12 with a mission to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders.


Discipleship Journey

Interactive learning style by featuring an intentional discipleship journey for boys and young men based on their unique design, needs and interests. Every meeting, outing or service activity is designed to encourage boys and young men in their walk with God.



Provides men with the tools to model Christlike manhood as they mentor boys on a Bible-based, Christ-centered, Spirit-empowered journey to maturity in the faith. Boys learn to study and apply what the Bible says about integrity, doctrine, biblical worldview, cultural issues and manhood. In addition, the Royal Rangers ministry molds boys into servant leaders, teaching them vital social, equipping, attitude, leadership, and service skills.

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Royal Rangers uses seven experiences to guide boys on their journey to godly manhood. You can easily customize any of these experiences to reflect your church’s vision, preferences and practices.



CONNECT with a Community of Christlike Men

Boys and men build relationships side by side as they do activities together. Regular, consistent interaction between boys and men is key.



DO fun things together

Boys want to participate in a variety of activities, and the Royal Rangers ministry features a vast collection of resources to support their interests. Leaders are encouraged to plan a wide range of activities to appeal to a broad spectrum of boys.



Grow in Christlike Manhood

The Royal Rangers program provides boys with a picture of Christlike manhood and process for pursuing it, a lifelong effort that requires endurance, patience, and persistence.



Learn in interactive ways

The Royal Rangers advancement system is an outcome-based discipleship journey. Boys and young men are encouraged to earn special recognition in each group, quarterly and annually. The system intentionally connects the Royal Rangers discipleship process to the boys’ journey to manhood—adventure, character and task.



Belong to something big

Boys and young men want to feel as though they are part of a winning team or program. Attire contributes to a sense of belonging, to a sense of being part of something bigger than self.



Lead yourself and others

The Royal Rangers program provides boys and young men with opportunities to learn and practice leadership skills that will help make their God-given dreams a reality.



Serve God, your family, church, and community

The Royal Rangers program encourages and provides tools for boys to make a difference in the world around them.

SPD Royal Rangers Day Camp 5
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Why Choose Royal Rangers?

Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and lifelong servant leaders. We provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.


Building healthy, Christ-centered relationships among men and boys


Bringing men and boys together around a variety of activities that provide something for every boy


Inviting boys to connect and belong to a community of Christlike men


Providing every boy with a pathway for growth and recognition


Growing boys into Christlike manhood through a systematic, guy-specific discipleship process


Developing servant leadership and personal growth within a small group environment


Engaging boys in service to God, their family, church, and community

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Royal Rangers Groups and Ministries



What our members say about Royal Rangers?

Royal Rangers is a program to learn about God, grow spiritually, have fun, and learn to live a godly life.

Angel | 8th Grader

Royal Rangers is a place where all men and young men come together to create friendships and review the word of God amongst each other. A place where everybody shares the same faith that lifts them up each day to strive further and closer our Heavenly Father.

Nathan| 10th Grader

My boy started when he was in 3rd grade in Royal Ranger and he is now a great father, role model for our community, and is serving our Country in the armed forces. It’s a great program to build character, leadership, and my son created some exciting adventurous memories with long time friends.

Lisa | Parent

My boy grew up fatherless, but Royal Rangers had great men who mentored and encouraged my son to be successful. My son’s challenges became opportunities for him to have great morals and values. He is a now a 5th grade teacher. Highly recommend Royal Rangers.

Karina| Parent

At Royal Rangers, you learn about Bible scriptures with other boys.

Darius| 5th Grader

Royal Rangers is a way for boys to get to know God and follow His path as a Christian. Learning to place God first in all things, leadership skills, and creating new friends.

Angel | 10th Grader

It’s a place where the teachers make the word of God more fun and exciting for kids and teens. Royal Rangers helps kids to grow up in God.

Josue | 12th Grader

It’s a program where volunteers and teachers can see the character development of boys grow to become great men of God in society.

Unknown| Volunteer

Being a Royal Ranger was one of the greatest investments I made growing up! Still practicing the Ranger Code to this day!

Carlos | Pastor