Outpost Page

It’s time for a New Adventure!

The Royal Rangers is based on the needs, interests, and characteristics of boys. The process
for learning and growing through participation in fun activities, both with your age group indoors
and outdoors. Designed to provide opportunities for adventure an fun. Making new friends, learn
new skills, develop leadership, teamwork, and grow into their purpose in life.

1. Outdoor Adventure
2. Competitions
3. Sports Activities
4. Real-Life Skills
5. Life-Changing Accomplishments
Royal Rangers provides boys with opportunities to “live the adventure” of the Christ-centered life
through a variety of fun activities that build character, develop leadership skills, and help him
grow into the man he was created to be.

Ultimate Journey for Boys K-12th Grade

Our mission is to evangelize, equip and empower the next generation of Christlike men and
lifelong servant leaders. We provide Christlike character formation and servant leadership
development for boys and young men in a highly relational and fun environment.

Join us every Thursday at 7:00 to 8:30 pm

Church name

614 S. 5th Ave. La Puente CA 91746

Outpost Coordinator: Name


name @email.com

Meeting Times


Time: 10:00 AM